Our Mission

Our mission is to provide volunteer service to social welfare, cultural, educational and
other charitable organizations that serve the interest of the residents of the Town of Wellesley and surrounding communities. While the mission of the Service League is volunteer services, we do engage in a limited amount of fundraising to support other Wellesley community organizations: Wellesley Friendly Aid Camp Fund, Annual Centennial Youth Service Award and Wellesley Education Fund (WEF).



On average, the Wellesley Service League provides approximately 5,000 hours of service each year from September to June through the dedication and hard work of our 75-80 members.


The agencies we serve include:

  • The Barton Road Community             
  • Charles River Center
  • Elizabeth Seton Residences
  • The Ellie Fund
  • MassBay Community College
  • Tolles Parsons Center                
  • Wellesley Food Pantry
  • Wellesley Free Library
  • Wellesley Friendly Aid Association
  • Wellesley Health Department
  • Wellesley Historical Society
  • Wellesley Symphony

The growth in scope and reach of our services has been consistent with the Founders’ original 1928 charter.  We are proud of our contribution to the community and are committed to adapting to its changing needs in the future.


Proudly, we encourage and reward students who are graduating from Wellesley High School, or are Wellesley residents graduating from another high school, with the Centennial Youth Service Award. Click HERE for more information on this award. 








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